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K302 Self-Locking Building Bricks (Small) - Set 1 - 90 whole & 42 half bricks, 3 doors and 12 windows, baseplate

Self Locking Building Bricks (Small) - Set 1 - 90 whole & 42 half bricks, 12 doors and windows, baseplate


K302 Variant 1 - one of the cardboard inserts was removed and replaced by extra bricks, the baseplate was added to the bottom tray.

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1932-1962 ~ K & F Prefix Ref. No's - K302 Self-Locking Building Bricks (Small) - Set 1 - 90 whole & 42 half bricks, 3 doors and 12 windows, baseplate -
K302 Variant 1 Content.jpg
1932-1962 ~ K & F Prefix Ref. No's - K302 Self-Locking Building Bricks (Small) - Set 1 - 90 whole & 42 half bricks, 3 doors and 12 windows, baseplate -
K302 Variant 1 Label.jpg